
Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor

This service provides our clients with the expertise of a highly qualified and experienced DGSA to act on behalf of their head of the business in completing the regulatory activities of a DGSA in line with ADR This service can be extended to include more than just the main task of the Adviser as outlined in ADR We will be happy to review and advise on all your DGSA and wider transport safety requirements.

Portable Gas Equipment Inspection

This service provides our clients with the expertise of an experienced City & Guilds qualified Portable Gas Equipment Inspector able to inspect their welding & cutting equipment in line with Code of Practice CP7 and Guidance Note GN7 requirements as laid down by the Health & Safety Executive (H&SE) and the British Compressed Gas Association (BCGA). Following the inspection, we will recommend any equipment in need of replacement in line with the current guidelines.

Fire Risk Assessment – Commercial Premises

This service provides our clients with the expertise of an experienced NEBOSH certified Fire Risk Safety Assessor able to carry out a practical Fire Risk Assessment of their premises in line with the legal requirements in force. This could be either Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations or The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order in England & Wales. Following the risk assessment, we will provide a full written report and recommend what actions (if any) are required by your business to meet these legal requirements.

Safety Healthcheck

This service provides our clients with a complete review of their safety programme. This is a bespoke service which can review every aspect of your safety programmes from strategy to implementation and employee involvement. The service can include (but is not restricted to) High level strategy development, Sustainability planning, Safety Campaigns, Safety Recognition & Reward, Safe Transportation & Storage, Equipment Inspection, Risk Assessment & Method Statement Review.

Safety Training Workshops

At the Robert Corr Consultancy, we are pleased to offer our services and act either as a facilitator and deliver your own Company training; or to develop and deliver a bespoke training session to your employees. We offer a wide range of topics including Behavioural Safety, Driving Safety, Transportation & Storage of Gas and Permit to Work procedures.

Gas Cylinder Audits

Many large customers, including hospitals & universities, are paying high monthly or annual rental charges for a large number of gas cylinders which are recorded, by the cylinder owners, as being in their possession. On many occasions, for a variety of reasons, the number of cylinders recorded by the gas companies does not accurately reflect the actual number still held on site. Robert Corr Consultancy offers our clients a complete audit and stock count of their premises and a reconciliation of their actual holdings with their rental charges.

Lost Cylinder Collection & Repatriation

Many gas cylinders are no longer under the control of their rightful owners costing these owners valuable revenue and expensive loss of assets. This service provides our clients with the safe return of these valuable assets to their business. Under the guidance of our DGSA, an experienced transport safety professional will uplift these lost cylinders from wherever we locate them and return them to a collection point of your choice. 

Keynote & Conference speaking

Robert Corr has delivered keynote speeches on a diverse range of Safety topics at a number of events in the UK, Europe and Canada over many years. His years of personal experience enable him to demonstrate a unique insight into the subject and deliver a clear message on being a visible leader, passionate about safety and the avoidance of harm. Whether the audience is small or large, Robert is guaranteed to make everyone think carefully about their personal responsibility and their personal ownership of safety.

Corporate Responsibility

Sponsored by BOC Cryospeed, the ‘Kids & Kryogenics’ initiative introduces the science of Liquid Nitrogen to Primary school children with an overview of the properties and uses of Liquid Nitrogen.

With some eye-catching demonstrations & experiments, and with pupil participation positively encouraged, this raises pupil awareness of the role of gases in our modern world. This initiative is available free to all primary schools.

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